AT&T has been zero rating it’s own streaming service, basically making their own service exempt from usage charges, while still penalizing customers for using other streaming services. The FCC’s inaction to stop such an action has emboldened the company to continue the practice. Practices like this make people question the idea of net neutrality. […]
PC Runs' News
PC Runs offers News from the computing field that you can use for keeping a smooth running computer and therefore a smooth running life!
The Best Windows 10 Version for You
With Windows 10 dominating the computing world, it can be hard to decide which version of the program is best for you. With seven different versions out there, it isn’t easy to decide which version you should be using. With simple tips, you can find the right version that is perfect for your devices […]
iPhone 7 Hammer & Knife Scratch Test!
This is to test the durability of the IPhone 7. The man in the video takes a knife to the phone to test the scratching and marking on the back. After he takes a hammer to the phone and tests from different heights the durability of the screen. ~Comments always welcome… Relevant Content: News […]
Chrome for Android is getting some extra tools to battle poor connections
“Chrome for Android is getting some extra tools to battle poor connections” is an article that gets into the significance of a good Internet connection, and what they can do in your life. The article talks about Google and some changes they’re making to their interface to help their users with problems ranging from […]
Austrian Teenager Sues Parents For Posting Pictures From Her Childhood To Facebook
“Austrian Teenager Sues Parents for Posting Pictures from Her Childhood to Facebook” is an article discussing the recent lawsuit of a newly-turned-18 year old woman against her parents, citing them as taking and posting embarrassing pictures of her without her consent. The article debates exactly whether or not she’s in the wrong, and the […]
Avast vs 360 | Detection Ratio Test
Avast Free Antivirus and 360 Total Security are two of the premier free antivirus programs available right now. PC Security Channel compares the detection rate, between the two programs, for malware. The Avast program shows a very strong detection rate, as well as providing a very user friendly interface. 360 Total Security shows a […]
Daily Deal: Pay What You Want DIY Hardware And Internet Of Things eBook Bundle
Through the DIY Hardware and Internet of Things eBook Bundle, you can learn about 3D printers, robots, Raspberry Pi, etc. If you choose to pay what you want, you get access to two courses (covering Arduino iOS and Andriod blueprints). Pay extra while still beating the average price, and you get access to 7 […]
Daily Deal: VPN Unlimited Subscription
“Daily Deal: VPN Unlimited Subscription” is a short advertisement for VPNS – a VPN that will actually last. Unlike some VPNs that don’t last and don’t let you get exactly what you need out of them, this list compiles a bunch of VPNs based off of what needs they meet. The survey has a […]
How To Clean a Dirty Computer
There is a CPU completely filled with all types of dirt inside. The CPU seems like it has never been cleaned. The man in the video, then begins to show the viewer how to clean a CPU that has that much dirt in it. He uses a high powered air hose to clean the […]
How To Clean A Desktop Processor Fan
Although it is not rocket science, cleaning the CPU fan for a computer is far more important and technical than one may realize. “How To Clean A Desktop Processor Fan” is a thorough video detailing some of the lesser known necessities involved in properly caring for your computer. The instructions are clear, easy and […]