Spellchecker is an excellent tool that ensures our documents that we send to other people go out nearly, if not completely error-free. In the today’s society with an increasing globalization, it is often necessary to use the spellchecker proofing documents in different languages or dialects. Therefore, it is important to know how to switch […]
office tools
PC Runs provides tips for computer office tools that can keep help you keep a smooth running computer and therefore a smooth running life!
How to Change Alarm Sounds on a Google Home or Google Nest
Hearing the alarm come on in the morning is not the sound many of us cherish. There is a reason why most alarms give you an ability to delay the inevitable through the use of snooze button. One way you can make this moment more pleasurable is to use a different alarm sound. You […]
The 7 Most Annoying Web Trends (and How to Fix Them)
Internet traffic is still growing exponentially, and as such, it often changes the trends. Some of these are visible to the general public, and of those, some can be quite annoying and difficult to accept. Due to recent regulations, we are now bombarded by the consent forms regarding the use of cookies. Although these, […]
How to Use the New Instagram PC Upload Feature
Instagram continuous to improve their platform and it is no wonder that it is one of the fastest growing marketing channels. The newest tool launched by the company will enable users to upload the content directly from the app or a browser. The tool is currently still in the phase of testing and the […]
What Are Wildcards in Excel? How to Use Them
Wildcards are something not mentioned often in Excel. They are special characters like the asterisk. For example, they can help speed up the process of searching within the spreadsheet. Some of the other functions it adds is the faster ability to filter data. Which, in turn would increase productivity. You can even use wildcards […]
The Best Ways to Organize and Show Off Your Summer Photos
When we take many pictures we often forget how we should store and show them to others. Now with digital technology there are many ways to show off your vacation pictures. When you make a digital photo album you allow yourself to show your pictures anywhere there is internet access. You can also go […]
How to make text larger on your phone, tablet and computer
Making text larger on your electronic devices isn’t a difficult task once you learn it. If you are using a Windows PC, you can go to settings and then ease of access and turn the magnifier on. You also can use the keyboard shortcut by holding down the Windows key and the + or […]
How to Remove Home Screen Pages on iPhone and iPad
Deleting home pages on an iOS device is easy to refresh your experience. First, tap and hold on an empty part of the home screen. A menu button will appear. This will show all of the home pages. Click on the empty circle on the screens you want to delete. A minus button will […]
How to Remove a Background in Photoshop
There are a few different ways that you can remove the background of a photo while using Photoshop. The most common way to do this is to the Quick Action which automatically will scan your photo and remove the background for you. This is the quickest way to remove a background but not always […]
How to Check Version History in Google Sheets
Within Google Sheets, there is a detailed version history of all changes and edits made to each spreadsheet. To check version history, load a spreadsheet and click the “Last Edit Was At” link to the right of the “Help” button. Alternatively, select Version History and “See Version History” from the File menu. This will […]