Mail that remains unclaimed can be auctioned off or bought at local swap meets. If you’re interested in finding auctions for unclaimed packages from the US Postal Service or Amazon, there are websites you can check out, such as Liquidation or GovDeals.
If you’re looking to buy undelivered packages from Amazon or the US Postal Service, you can go online to Swap Madness to help locate vendors that have packages for sale. However, keep an eye out for scams by checking with the Better Business Bureau to determine whether or not the seller is legitimate.
Key Takeaways:
- Last year, buying unclaimed packages briefly became a popular topic on TikTok.
- GovDeals auctions unclaimed USPS items, while Liquidation handles bulk packages from Amazon, Target and other retailers.
- In addition to legitimate sellers, there are scammers out there, so check the Better Business Bureau website first.
“If you’re looking to buy items that were never delivered, you can search for vendors in your area to see if there’s a local swap meet or other places that sell undelivered items.”
More details: here
- Cnet (Website)
- Tips & Tales (YouTube Channel)