My Backup Disk Became Invisible to Windows 10, What Do I Do Now?
I’ve been using a 1.5 TB drive for my backups for the last few years. I had a second Windows 10 on a small partition on it for security sake in case my main Windows 10 failed.
I was experimenting with Macrium Reflect for backing up and installing my Windows 10 on a new NVMe drive. Macrium Reflect seems to be a good free program for doing this. It worked just fine for the NVMe drive.
However, for the backup Windows 10 installation I ran into an issue. The drive somehow became a dynamic disk making the entire drive unrecognizable to any Windows OS installation.
Understandably this caused me great concern. I quickly did a Google and YouTube search for “recover dynamic disk”. I settled on this video by Techniqued a YouTube Tech Channel. Techniqued recommends a free Data Recovery software called TestDisk found at this this site here: TestDisk – Partition Recovery and File Undelete – CGSecurity.
If you can pay attention to the entire video you should fine a not to complicated (once understood of course) means to recover the lost data from the mystery drive that disappeared.
My thanks to Techniqued for taking the time to make a video explaining how to use this data saving software. And thanks to YouTube for making DIY as easy as watching a video!
Key Takeaways:
- Dynamic Disks can cause possible data lose by making the harddrive unrecognizable by your Windows OS.
- TestDisk is a free program making data recovery from lost disks possible.
- Techniqued is a YouTube Tech Channel making easy work of learning how to use TestDisk through his YouTube video.
“TestDisk is a free data recovery tool designed to help you recover lost partitions.”
~Let me know if you found TestDisk a solution for you? Please leave you comment below…
Relevant Content:
- TestDisk – Partition Recovery and File Undelete – CGSecurity (The software download site)
- Techniqued (YouTube Channel)