For the past several weeks general public has been guessing what will the new feature offered by Microsoft be like when implemented. As a reminder, we are talking about the feature offered to the users of new versions of Windows that will keep their software updated at all times.
The company stated the service will be available for free and thanks to the preview, we can already make some conclusions about it. Full public launch is scheduled for July of this year.
Key Takeaways:
- Windows Autopatch is a service for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that keeps software up-to-date.
- According to Microsoft, admins will be able to see what updates have been applied.
- Office rollouts follow a unique schedule and are not controlled by Autopatch.
“Windows Autopatch is aimed at enterprises and large organizations. In these environments, keeping updated with the latest security patches is not only incredibly important, it can also be a huge task.”
More details: here
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