New Yok has passed their first ever right to repair bill and it’s the first one to be passed in the United States as well. This bill will allow customers to fix their devices without having to spend a ridiculous amount of money to do so.
The bill is called the Digital Fair Repair Act and manufacturers in New York have to make parts and software available to consumers and repair shops. The bill passed by a score of 145 to 1 on Friday, June 3rd.
Key Takeaways:
- The right to replace legislature was passed in New York on Friday, June 3rd with the ruling being 145 to 1.
- iFixit was one of the biggest proponents for right to repair and they celebrated the approval of the Digital Repair Act.
- This bill is the first one to ever get passed that is focusing on electronics when it comes to right to repair.
“It’s important to note that this is the first right-to-repair bill in the country focused specifically on electronics.”
More details: here
- Digital Trends (Website)
Louis Rossmann (YouTube Channel)