A Content Delivery Network is for people with websites
Content Delivery Networks include Cloud Flare, Incapsula, and Akamai. People won’t be able to directly interact with your website server and it can improve your computer performance. A CDN will hold a cache copy and can distribute your website information to many by keeping your information saved all over the globe. This allows people to access the cache copy, saving time and improving performance of your website. Increased security is a feature as well in using a CDN. Malicious requests and bots can be filtered out through the use of CDN with firewall service.
Key Takeaways:
- The Incapsula CDN is preferred by ThioJoe over CloudFare
- CDN improves performance of Website
- CDN Increases Security
“In a nutshell, what a CDN does is it basically puts kind of a buffer between your website and anyone trying to access it.”
~Comments always welcome…
Relevant Content:
- ThioJoeTech (YouTube Channel)
- ThioJoe.com (Website)
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